Lesson learned… Indigenous on iOS (or my Micropoub endpoint) does not like ampersands in the content field.
I was up an hour past my usual bedtime last night, as my partner was late home from her fortnightly D&D session, and I am **wrecked** today 😵
Reposting: Amy
I love my city.
#Glasgow #ByresRoad #GlasgowWestEnd #refuweegee #WeAreAllFaeSomewhere
Honestly, I thought I already was, but apparently not…
I’d hoped to write up some loose documentation on the #IndieWeb iOS Shortcuts I have setup, but diagnosing all manner of WordPress plugin issues has taken up my night. I’ll try again tomorrow.
Many, many, thanks to Joe for helping me diagnose and fix all my webmention issues today! 🙌
Hopefully, normal service will resume shortly 😅
“A collection of color palettes used in order to easily colorize new creative coding projects. New palettes will be continuously added, and all existing ones are subject to change.”
Thanks to Joe for the tip-off.
indieweb/index (unicyclic)
I’ve reinstalled Ulysses on my iPhone , for the first time in several months, and I feel totally lost trying to figure out the UI again…
So apparently I’ve had Webmentions turned off all weekend. Oops. 😬
Inspired by @schmarty‘s #IndieWebSummit keynote, I’ve just hacked together a pair of iOS Shortcuts that will take URLs from Tweetbot, post them to my site as a Like or Repost, then syndicate back to Twitter automatically 🙌
Reposting: Andy Bell on Twitter
“Hey pals 👋,
Medium appears to be rightly getting a day of bad press and you might be thinking about publishing your writing elsewhere.
I’ve got your back. I made https://t.co/zbTnt2ji0O, so you can have a self-published blog with a CMS in under 5 mins.”
I’ve been up since 5:30am, so I’ve been taking the time while everyone is still in bed to catch up on the #indiewebsummit keynotes. Great job by all involved! I’d love to listen to expanded versions of each of the presentations sometime 👍
This is really cool, and could be a great Discovery tool. I’ve had an idea kicking around my head for something similar; a directory of sorts, where sites opt-in via webmention. Any p-category tags in the webmention post would be used to classify the listing in the directory, allowing people to find sites by groupings. Add in some sort of Technorati-style search for an extra layer of power.
I’m teaching myself Laravel at the moment… this would make a good first project to prototype, I think.
I can’t follow along live myself, but it’s good to know I’ll be able to watch it back on Twitch later this week. (I’ll swap to a more permanent URI once the video is available elsewhere)
I’m looking forward to reading all of the write-ups!
I definitely agree with you, Eli! I was wondering out loud with a half-baked thought just yesterday about how we could help ease newer “generations” into the IndieWeb. Where you are coming from the technical side of things, I was thinking more about the on-boarding process and not expecting people to read swathes of documentation to get started. Having read your post I realise both need to be worked on (in tandem?)
I couldn’t hand over even a working WordPress + IndieWeb installation to my partner and expect her to have a good time using it. I’m trying to bring her round to the idea of moving to her own site, because she’s so frustrated with the social media giants, but the tools just aren’t accessible to her level yet.
What has been built so far in the IndieWeb is amazing. I’ve not been this enthused about having my own website – or what it’s capable of – in years. But I’ve been building on the web for 20+ years; I’m impressed by the technology because of my understanding of it, and I’m the sort of user who can work past the rough edges when I need to — in fact, part of me enjoys the tinkering aspect. On reflection, I might be the worst person to be evaluating how this stuff can be made more usable and accessible for someone who wants it to “just work” as smoothly as the existing options 😅
So I guess the question then becomes – who is best placed to help with this, and how do we bring them on board (if they’re not already)?
“I read quite a bit of material online. I save “bookmarks” of all of it on my personal website, sometimes with some additional notes and sometimes even with more explicit annotations. One of the things I feel like I’m missing from my browser, browser extensions, and/or social feed reader is a social layer overlay that could indicate that people in my social network(s) have read or interacted directly with that page (presuming they make that data openly available.)”
It feels like there’s thunder on the horizon. It’s stifling hot, but just got very dark and gloomy.
“I’ve been working on a series of walkthrough posts that outline how to IndieWebify a Wordpress site. I presumed the initial setup would be fairly straightforward because a) I have a vague idea of what I’m doing, and b) a suite of plugins already exists. Boy-howdy, was I wrong. (ಥ﹏ಥ)
“Despite some new improvements to user privacy, Google’s popular Chrome browser has recently been lambasted in some quarters as problematical when it comes to privacy issues. These same articles suggest that if you’re concerned about the security of your data, you should try an alternative browser, such as Firefox, Safari, or Brave.”
Make the switch. I’ve been using Firefox for several months, and I couldn’t go back now.
I made sure I was first in line to get hold of one of these 👌
Reposting: Why is GrubHub buying thousands of urls similar to restaurant names, and launching 'shadow sites'?
GrubHub is buying up thousands of restaurant web addresses, and “also appears to publish shadow pages without owners’ consent—sometimes in direct competition with real websites”…
For some bizarre reason, syndication targets have suddenly stopped working on my site in the last few hours…? The WordPress editor doesn’t list any available, Micropub clients don’t see any, and the default targets given by the Syndication Links plugin have disappeared from the settings UI. The custom targets I set up still show in settings, but don’t appear anywhere else.
How odd. One to dig into tomorrow 🤔
“In my effort to become more involved in the IndieWed community I created indieweb.life and indieweb.social. A lot of the information out there is either out-of-date or is written so far above the head of the complete novice. A lot of it is geared towards developers and webmasters. I wanted …”