That’s right, a “Links” page, just like we did it back in the day. This is largely based on the sites I “follow” in feed readers, with a few extra, helpful, links thrown in on top.
You can subscribe to or import the OPML file for this list into your favourite feed reader. I currently recommend Inoreader.
Link categorisation was correct at the time of writing, and obviously I take no responsibility for the contents of these sites.
IndieWeb & Personal Blogs
- A Whole Lotta Nothing
- Aaron Parecki
- Accidentally in Code
- Andrew Jacobs
- Andy Sylvester's Web
- AnomaLily
- Barnaby Walters
- Brad Enslen
- Brent Simmons
- BusyBee
- but she's a girl…
- Charlie Owens
- Charlotte Allen
- Chris Aldrich
- Colin Devroe
- Colin Walker
- David Shanske
- Derek Powazek
- Doubleloop
- Duncan Stephen
- Eddie Hinkle
- gRegorLove
- Hillary Mason
- Idle Words
- IndieNews
- Indieseek Blog
- Jack Jamieson
- Jacky Alciné
- Jamie Tanna
- Jay Hoffmann
- Jeremy Cherfas
- Jeremy Keith
- John Philpin
- Kicks Condor
- Less Talk, More Do
- Malcolm Blaney
- Manton Reece
- Marty McGuire
- Matthias Ott
- Mattias Geniar
- Musings. Et Al.
- Oatmeal
- Oh Hello Ana
- Om Malik
- P83 by Peter Stuifzand
- Read Write Collect
- Remy Sharp
- Rhoneisms
- Rosemary Orchard
- Roy Tanck
- Scripting News
- Serena Who?
- Tantek Çelik
- Ton Zylstra
- Waxy
IndieWeb Tools
Media & Arts
Miniature Painting & Tabletop Gaming
- 2screens
- A Tabletop Gamer's Diary
- Acceptable Radiation
- AJ's Gaming World
- Ann's Immaterium
- Another Wargaming Blog
- AOS Shorts
- Armies on Parade Blog
- Azazel's Bitz Box
- Battle Bunnies
- Between the Bolter and Me
- Big Boss Red Skullz
- Binx’s Hobby Blog
- Blue's Marauding Miniatures
- cadianshock’s Warhammer 40K Blog
- chazsexington
- Contains Graphic Images
- Convert or Die
- Curis's Ninjabread
- Darren Latham Miniature Painting
- Dave Taylor Miniatures
- Death of a Rubricist
- Devos IV
- Distopus
- Dr Mathias's Miniature Extravaganza
- Eastern Empire
- Eternal Hunt
- Ex Profundis
- Feelin Strangely Fine
- Forces of Darkness
- Forge of Souls
- Forge The Narrative
- Four Dads of the Apocalypse
- Frontline Gaming
- Give 'Em Lead
- Grimdark Compendium
- Hobbit Hobbies
- Hobby from the Aett
- Hobby Hammer
- Hobby Vices
- Hobbykiller
- Innsmouth Gaming Club
- Iron Sleet
- Lair of the Gamesmistress
- Lasgunpacker
- Le Terrier du Verménarque
- Leadballoony
- Magie Miniatures
- Magpie and Old Lead
- Massive Voodoo
- McMattilaMinis
- Mengel Miniatures
- Miniature Miscellany
- Mold Lines
- Moments of Inertia
- Mordian 7th
- My World, Just In Miniature
- Not a Collector
- Objective Secured
- Old Dark Angel- the ramblings of a returning hobbyist
- Oldhammer 40K
- Painting in the Dark
- Pike’s Miniature Painting
- Plastic Craic
- Pro Painted Podcast
- Promethium Painting
- Quietly Raging
- Riotville
- Rust + Ruin
- S.N. Battle Reports
- Secrets of the Void
- sho3box
- Sproket's Small World
- Sprues & Brews
- St. Andrews Wargaming
- Tale of Painters
- Tales From The Aaronorium
- Tears of Envy
- The 73rd Harrowing
- The Beard Bunker
- The Brush and Boltgun
- The Burning Eye
- The Convertorum
- The Dice Abide
- The Emprahs Mighty Flowry Meadow
- The Empyrean
- The Gngr Noob
- The Golden Demon Blog
- the leadpile
- The Lost and the Damned and the Stunted
- The Nickeninja's Blog
- The Responsible One’s Wargaming Blog
- The Wargaming World of Nozza
- Tower of the Archmage
- Tyken’s Rift
- Variance Hammer
- Vincent Knotley’s Hobby Blog
- War of Sigmar
- Warboss Kurgan
- Warhammer 39,999
- Warhammer 40K Orks (and more!)
- Warhammer Community
- WeeMen
- Whateley Inc.
- World of Walton's Crats
- Wuerfelweise
- ЯEAKTOR.miniatures
News, Journalism, & Fact Checking
Security & Privacy
The Web/Tech News & Blogs
Web/Development/Design Bloggers
- Airbag Industries
- All in the Head
- All that Malarkey – Stuff & Nonsense
- Amber Wilson
- Andy Bell
- Andy Budd
- Anil Dash
- Beau Lebens
- bitsofcode
- Bitsplitting
- Brainfuel
- Clagnut
- Craig Hockenberry
- CSS Wizardry
- Eric Meyer
- Ethan Marcote
- Hicks Design
- Inessential
- Jason Santa Maria
- Jeff Smith
- Jessie Frazelle
- Jon Skeet
- Jonathan Snook
- Joshua Blankenship
- M.G. Siegler
- Marco Arment
- Mark Boulton
- Matt Brett
- Matt Mullenweg
- Mike Davidson
- Mike Montiero
- Paul Irish
- Paul Stamatiou
- Rachel Andrew
- Rands in Repose
- Scott Hanselman
- Shaun Inman
- Signal vs Noise
- Standardista
- Tim Bray
- You've Been Haacked
- Zeldman
Writers & Journalists
- Aaron Dembski-Bowden
- Alex Hern (The Guardian)
- Anne Wheaton
- Carole Cadwalladr (The Guardian)
- Dawn Foster (The Guardian)
- Ella Dawson
- Eve Rebecca Livingston
- Geek Magnifique
- Iain MacWhirter
- Jack of Kent
- James Swallow
- Ken White (The Atlantic)
- Marie Le Conte
- On The Borderlines
- Peter Geoghegan
- Popehat
- Random Public Journal
- Seth Godin
- Stephen Fry
- The Everywhereist
- The Secret Barrister
- Vittoria’s Secret
- Wil Wheaton