It feels like there’s thunder on the horizon. It’s stifling hot, but just got very dark and gloomy.
“I’ve been working on a series of walkthrough posts that outline how to IndieWebify a Wordpress site. I presumed the initial setup would be fairly straightforward because a) I have a vague idea of what I’m doing, and b) a suite of plugins already exists. Boy-howdy, was I wrong. (ಥ﹏ಥ)
“Despite some new improvements to user privacy, Google’s popular Chrome browser has recently been lambasted in some quarters as problematical when it comes to privacy issues. These same articles suggest that if you’re concerned about the security of your data, you should try an alternative browser, such as Firefox, Safari, or Brave.”
Make the switch. I’ve been using Firefox for several months, and I couldn’t go back now.
I made sure I was first in line to get hold of one of these 👌
Reposting: Why is GrubHub buying thousands of urls similar to restaurant names, and launching 'shadow sites'?
GrubHub is buying up thousands of restaurant web addresses, and “also appears to publish shadow pages without owners’ consent—sometimes in direct competition with real websites”…
For some bizarre reason, syndication targets have suddenly stopped working on my site in the last few hours…? The WordPress editor doesn’t list any available, Micropub clients don’t see any, and the default targets given by the Syndication Links plugin have disappeared from the settings UI. The custom targets I set up still show in settings, but don’t appear anywhere else.
How odd. One to dig into tomorrow 🤔
“In my effort to become more involved in the IndieWed community I created and A lot of the information out there is either out-of-date or is written so far above the head of the complete novice. A lot of it is geared towards developers and webmasters. I wanted …”
I did think while I was writing that there was likely some overlap between what I was thinking about, and the (mostly) offline activities like IndieWebCamp and Homebrew Website Club. However, I’m talking about reaching people who are unlikely to ever attend such a meet-up. To use the IndieWeb Generations definition, I’m thinking about the 3s and maybe 4s in my network. And they might be people I only have a connection with online. I guess where I was going with it was more about seeking a way to engage and coach these particular users into their first steps, rather than relying on them to work through a guide or documentation. (There is still very much a place for more documentation!)
Admittedly it’s still only a half-baked thought, and I’m sure smarter people than me have already thought this through 😃
Reposting: a post
I need a maxed-out Mac Pro just so I can run all these Electron apps.
I tried avocado for the first time last night, and while it was unobjectionable, I don’t get what all the fuss is about? 🥑
I finally got around to setting up an IRC client on my home PC, so I could lurk on the IndieWeb channels. I don’t think I’ve used IRC in around 15 years, so it was a bit of an adventure! My Gnome installation came with 2 different clients – HexChat and Empathy (the Gnome Project’s chat client). HexChat was by far the easier to setup; Empathy required me to install a whole other package, which I only found out after I had to search online to troubleshoot why I wasn’t getting the option to add accounts of any type whatsoever.
Once it was setup though, I found Empathy just that little bit nicer to use and read (at least, on “stock” settings). For mostly just following along, that’s probably enough.
Now I’m connected, I’m reminded why I like IRC: it’s slow, low stress communication. The only thing I need to care about is what’s written during the time I’m connected to a room, and there’s no annoying ping or notification on each message (or even if I’m mentioned). If I disconnect, my client won’t display what I missed when I reconnect – and I’m perfectly fine with that. I don’t (won’t) have a client on my phone, so IRC will be that thing I can only hang out in when I’m at my desktop. How very retro 😎