I asked a local slater to come round and inspect my roof so I could get a repair quotation. They said they’d be here at 11am. Myself and my partner have been in all day. No one has turned up to inspect anything, but we’ve somehow still received a quote… 🤔

My newest neighbours (or, rather, their “DIY Dads”) have not been endearing themselves to the street by firing up the power saws at 8:15am for the last few weekends 😑

Come into the office – no WiFi (we don’t have wired LAN, so this is bad)

10 minutes diagnosing/troubleshooting.

20 minutes on hold waiting to talk to helpdesk.

**Just** after going through the ID preamble with the analyst, the WiFi connects.

It’s going to be one of those days…

I just spun up a hefty VPS to run a single python script that’s going to take several hours to run. It’s been online <10 minutes and already completed about one third of what my PC managed in 5 hours 😅

I’m mostly done writing the first draft of my iOS Shortcuts guide. Just got some screenshots to add, mostly. It’s sitting at ~750 words, although I’ve tried to keep it fairly technical-term free. Hopefully I’ll get it published tonight or tomorrow.

Lesson learned… Indigenous on iOS (or my Micropoub endpoint) does not like ampersands in the content field.

I was up an hour past my usual bedtime last night, as my partner was late home from her fortnightly D&D session, and I am **wrecked** today 😵

I’d hoped to write up some loose documentation on the iOS Shortcuts I have setup, but diagnosing all manner of WordPress plugin issues has taken up my night. I’ll try again tomorrow.

Many, many, thanks to Joe for helping me diagnose and fix all my webmention issues today! 🙌

Hopefully, normal service will resume shortly 😅

I’ve reinstalled Ulysses on my iPhone , for the first time in several months, and I feel totally lost trying to figure out the UI again…