Thanks for the episode, Chris and David. First time listening to the podcast, and I found it insightful – particularly the history and possible future of the Webmention plugin. I’m looking forward to hearing future episodes!

I’ve been running my own instance of Aaron’s excellent Monocle microsub client for a while now. I think it’s time I take the leap and run my own instance of Aperture microsub server as well (and its associated services), just so I don’t have to rely on any services hosted elsewhere.

I just need to figure out if I need to give Aperture its’ own server, rather than run it alongside everything else on my existing VM.

Listened: S2, E2: Take A Step Back — The Best General, A Warhammer 40K Podcast

“In Season 2, Episode 2: Adam gets back to competitively play after some time away from the table and learns to deal with another loss, while talking perspective, fatalism of all things, and taking a step back with ITC Champion Brandon Grant.”

Glad to have The Best General turning up in my podcasts feed again!

In Season 2, Episode 2: Adam gets back to competitively play after some time away from the table and learns to deal with another loss, while talking perspective, fatalism of all things, and taking a step back with ITC Champion Brandon Grant.

Nearing the end of the road on this, but I’ll be glad when it’s over. So many small mishaps have really worn me down on this particular Knight. Here’s hoping the rest of the household aren’t as disaster prone!

Still plugging away at this Imperial Knight. There’s been a lot more edge highlighting than I’d planned to do. Shoulders, shield, and last of the trim left to do.

Work in progress Imperial Knight