Watching The Fellowship Of The Ring by the light of the Christmas tree 🎄
My gut was right 😃. You can add extra icons without editing the plugin, by adding something similar to this to your theme’s functions.php
function wp4632_extra_site_icons( $return, $url) { $sites = array( '' => 'wordpress', '' => 'book', ); $parsed = parse_url( $url ); $return = false; if ( false !== $parsed ) { $host = $parsed['host']; if ( array_key_exists( $host, $sites ) ) { $return = $sites[ $host ]; } } return $return; } add_filter( 'syn_link_mapping', 'wp4632_extra_site_icons', 10, 2);
For maximum upgrade safety, I put modifications like this into a child theme.
Without similar code in my theme, this post doesn’t display the (test) Mastodon syndication link… but with it the link and icon are displayed. The $sites
array can be modified with any URLs you want mapped to a suitable icon in the set.
Hope this helps you out!
So… that didn’t go so well. All the login items were there after the import, but easily 60% plus of the data was parsed incorrectly – usually one or both of username and password were imported as “custom fields” instead of actual login details. There was no pattern I could discern about why some logins imported successfully and the rest didn’t.
Two-Factor Authentication (TOTP) details were also imported as a custom field, instead of the “correct” one. I tried manually fixing a couple of accounts, for testing purposes, but the TOTP codes generated by Bitwarden wouldn’t work on the sites.
There is a format I can manually massage the data into, to get it to import properly (apparently), but this is starting to look like the major hassle I feared it might. And I doubt reformatting the export will fix the TOTP codes. That’s usually a time-skew/clock settings thing in my experience, but every device I tried from had the correct time.
If I do decide to migrate, I’ll revisit this – by necessity – but it’s a job for another time. For now I’ve purged my Bitwarden vault.
On the plus side, the encrypted notes imported just fine…
Illumination 💡
Neon lights at the Christmas Village
Something’s broken on my site at the moment, and I’m not sure what. Syndication links haven’t been displaying or updating reliably, and I’m not sure Webmentions are reliably being sent all of the time either.
Despite my best efforts over the last week or so, I think I might have to accept the fact I am getting sick.
I’d need to spend some time looking into this to confirm either way, but my gut tells me you should be able to use the syn_link_mapping
filter and a function to make these tweaks via your theme’s functions.php
file, without hacking the plugin code itself.
I want to do something similar for my Mastodon profile link, so I’ll try to take a look into it in the next couple of days 😃
My employer has started blocking recently, breaking my ability to access my passwords and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) details using the browser extension. I can still get these details on my phone, but typing a completely random 22-character password by hand is far from ideal, and a bit of a pain in the rump, to be honest. This isn’t their most egregious “security theatre” policy, but it is one of the most impactful (to me).
Cards on the table, I 💖 1Password, and have been a paying customer for several years. If my access and ability to securely login/sign-up to stuff wasn’t being impeded by another party, I’d happily keep chugging away without much further thought. Their software has been super useful, convenient, and improved how I approach my personal online security.
As it is though, I started thinking about migrating from 1Password to Bitwarden; the ability to easily self-host Bitwarden being the main attraction in this scenario. Between hosting costs and upgrading to a “Pro” tier account for in-app 2FA generation, it would work out about $15-20 a year more expensive than I pay for 1Password, but that’s not a huge amount in the grand scheme of things.
The most immediate concern would be rebuilding my password vault accurately, complete with all the 2FA details I need – which is a lot. That’s going to take a lot of time and effort to move across, even with an export recreating everything – at the very least I’m going to have to check and verify everything imported correctly and that I’m not locked out of anything. And my digging into this hasn’t confirmed that all item types I use in 1Password can be exported across to Bitwarden.
However, part two.
Unless you happen to have an installation of the native applications for macOS or Windows (say, because corporate policy prohibits and prevents it, and you no longer run either of those OS’s at home…), there’s no way to export your data. At all. 1Password then becomes a silo you can’t easily get out of. The only way out is to manually recreate all of your data elsewhere. When your vault starts getting above more than a few dozen items, that’s a lot of work. Mine stretches into the hundreds.
It’s something I hadn’t really thought about before I started the thought exercise around potentially moving away. When we talk about silos, normally we’re talking about social media locking your posts and user data inside their networks. An everyday utility like a highly-convenient password manager rarely factors into it. And yet, here I am. I guess I forgot my initial misgivings about, and didn’t check ahead for an exit strategy.
I’m not certain how I’m going to proceed from here. 1Password themselves haven’t given me a reason to quit their service, but I’d be lying if I said this realisation of how “locked in” I am didn’t bug me and push me to migrating as an it’s-the-principle-of-the-thing “eff you” moment.
It’s something to revisit in the new year.
“From turkey tips to transgiving, the internet is helping queer and trans people survive the holidays.”
“There’s even support for the ZFS filesystem (though it’s “EXPERIMENTAL”).”
I’ve been thinking about switching up my Linux distro for a few weeks, so I might try this. Manjaro’s been good to me, but my setup is starting to feel a little too hacked together and rickety for my liking…
New personal best 🙌
“EU officials have warned that they may not take kindly to a US encryption ban or insertion of crypto backdoor technology.”
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“When the 8th edition launched, there was a lot of focus on the simpler rules, and the indexes put everyone on a level playing field. Since then, however, the game has become much more complex, with the special rules introduced with new rules found in codexes, FAQs, Chapter Approved, and White Dwar…”
“Firefox is getting ready to turn on its automatic anti-snooping tools to stop web ‘fingerprinting” tricks.”
“When she was younger, my wife used to work with autistic children at a nearby specialist school so she had plenty of experience identifying symptoms and helping those experiencing them. This is why she is confident that I am at least somewhere on the spectrum.
Move forward a few years, when our daug…”
“But one British politician has a plan to end their dominance.”
“JavaScript drag and drop, resizing, and multi-touch gestures for modern browsers”
For the last 27 days I’ve been taking part in the Movember “Mo-ve Challenge” (it’s not all about growing facial hair!), in aid of promoting better conversations around men’s health. In particular, my motivation revolves around mental health and suicide prevention, which are topics close to my heart:
Globally, the rate of suicide is alarmingly high, particularly in men. Too many men are ‘toughing it out’, keeping their feelings to themselves and struggling in silence. Movember is aiming to reduce the rate of male suicide by 25% by 2030, and I want to help them get there. Help me stop men dying too young.
There’s still a few days left in the month, but so far I’ve walked over 220km. I’d originally set a goal of 120km, but I’m aiming for 240km by the end of the week (the official challenge is for 60km). For that, I’ve raised £120 at the time of writing.
And that’s where you come in, Dear Reader. I’d very much like to meet my fundraising goal of £200 by the end of the month, or exceed it if I can. If you are able to, please consider donating even a small amount on my MoSpace page: Every little bit would help, and I’d appreciate it more than you’d know.