I’m not sure which version of the amazing new Abaddon model I like best: with cloak, or without. Both look amazing. Without the cloak looks more like every depiction up to now, but with the cloak feels more imposing.
I (finally) set myself up with an Azure account today, as I needed to research something about Azure Active Directory. The more I explore around the portal, the more I think I should really start figuring out Azure, because it seems incredibly cool and powerful. I know this is old news to many of you. I just haven’t had much opportunity to dive in to it.
Are there any good resources you would recommend for getting started? Let me know! I’d be looking at it from a web apps perspective (PHP mainly, possibly Node or ASP.NET), but I’d be keen to hear just as much about the workflows and developing for the cloud in general.
Reposting: Joanne Harris on Twitter
“After the many conversations of yestyerday, I'm afraid it's time for another #TenThingsAboutPiracy. Follow the hashtag to collect them all!”
“I normally have a cooling off period before I buy new Games Workshop releases, as every miniature is turbo-exciting on first reveal and owning all of them is impossible. But the new Genestealer Cult Locus is such an instant classic he was not only pre-ordered but jumped to the front of the painting queue.”
“We just published episode 362 of Core Intuition. From the show notes:
Manton and Daniel talk about how IndieWebCamp Austin went, and reflect on the virtues of the diverse “open web” community. They react to a debate between Jeff Atwood & David Heinemeier Hansson about their purportedly different…”
“I had no idea when I got the initial email about my apartment going “smart” how much my life would change in the course of a month. At the time I was speaking in front of a room of cybersecurity journalists, and it was all I could do to keep my cool and quickly blast off an appalled (and probably less than tactful) tweet. Only a few weeks later, my situation has changed everything.”
Reposting: lustdaddy on Twitter
“Everything I know about these Kardashians I learnt against my will.”
I’ve been a member of Alfonso “Banshee” Giraldez’s and David Mommel’s Miniature Art Academy for the last few months, and it’s been great for me. The course has been fantastic so far, concentrating heavily on the “why” over the “how” and exposing me to new ideas and techniques. Both Alfonso and David are passionate about seeing what we do as painting on a 3D canvas, rather than “miniature painting,” so apply many skills and tools used in traditional art techniques. If you’re interested in improving and expanding your skills – or even just beginning! – I highly recommend the Painting Academy level.