I signed up to Proton Mail today, as the first step in a push to de-Googlefy* myself, amongst other “silo quits” I’m hoping to do this year. Email is a very minor part of my online life, but it’s part of the foundations, so it makes sense to move this first.

So begins the long process of switching over various accounts to use the new address. I’m not planning on switching everything – for example, I’ll not use it for anything social media related. A couple of important accounts have already switched, and apart from a few… oddities… as apps updated their cached details, these switches have gone smoothly enough.

* It won’t be a complete removal, unfortunately… for a bunch of disperate but important reasons I’ll need to keep the account open for the time being. Hopefully next year I can cut free entirely.

🔖 Bookmarked: Where Warren’s Wrong by an author

“Senator Warren’s proposal about how to regulate tech is wrong about history, the source of tech giant’s power, and the fundamental nature of technology itself.”

an author (Stratechery)

A really nice, IndieWeb-compatible, WordPress theme by Matthias. If I wasn’t developing K (albeit, that’s slowed down recently due to outside factors), or if I was still looking for an “out of the box” experience, I’d probably be using this.

I was painting over the weekend for the Golden Troll painting contest, and my eyes were struggling so much. I think I might have to resign myself to this year being my last year painting “competition level” pieces ?

I’m trying to pick up a project I first worked on a year ago, and it’s a) fasciniating, and b) mystifying. I think that because I dind’t expect to leave it for so long, I’ve not documented how I’d got to the stage I was at, or what my intentions were. Was I still in the exploratory stage, or had I picked a direction? Did I understand what I was trying to do, or had I got things wrong?

Based on what I’m looking at right now, I’m tempted to start over.

💬 Replied to: Re-thinking the Homepage

“I’ve spent some time recently thinking about what I want out of my homepage. I don’t have a clear answer, yet but I’ve been taking some steps toward it. There are a couple things influencing my current homepage design.
First, inspired by Jonathan LaCour, I’ve been importing old Facebook posts into m…”

( )

I’m really enjoying the redesign. I find it a lot easier to read, and it’s given me some ideas for overhauling how I present the information on my own homepage. Great work, Eddie!

🔖 Bookmarked: My (Belated) Takeaways from the LVO Warhammer Panel

“And while the vast majority of the panel was previewing amazing new models and people rightfully drooling over them, there was also an extended Q&A session. Now I didn’t record it or anything, but between the utterly useless questions (“When are you bringing back Squats?”) and the very clear personal agenda questions (“What are you doing about X thing in Y build and what’s the release date?”) there were a couple questions and answers that revealed things about the process of how GW thinks about 40K that I think were potentially interesting.”

I was just doing a quick audit in 1Password, and I really wish services would stop asking for a phone number before letting me turn on 2FA.

SMS 2FA is insecure, and Facebook recently demonstrated why I can’t trust handing my number out for “security purposes” ?‍♂️

I’m not sure which version of the amazing new Abaddon model I like best: with cloak, or without. Both look amazing. Without the cloak looks more like every depiction up to now, but with the cloak feels more imposing.

I (finally) set myself up with an Azure account today, as I needed to research something about Azure Active Directory. The more I explore around the portal, the more I think I should really start figuring out Azure, because it seems incredibly cool and powerful. I know this is old news to many of you. I just haven’t had much opportunity to dive in to it.

Are there any good resources you would recommend for getting started? Let me know! I’d be looking at it from a web apps perspective (PHP mainly, possibly Node or ASP.NET), but I’d be keen to hear just as much about the workflows and developing for the cloud in general.

🔖 Bookmarked: Life Moves Fast, Smart-Apartment Style by Lesley Carhart

“I had no idea when I got the initial email about my apartment going “smart” how much my life would change in the course of a month. At the time I was speaking in front of a room of cybersecurity journalists, and it was all I could do to keep my cool and quickly blast off an appalled (and probably less than tactful) tweet. Only a few weeks later, my situation has changed everything.”

Lesley Carhart ( )