Yesterday I tried to follow some dotnet tutorials that also show some Azure concepts. These were all tutorials and documentation on the Microsoft website itself. For context, I was using my desktop PC, which runs Linux
The initial setup worked great. I installed Core, the Azure CLI, and various useful extensions for VS Code. Then I created a new Web API project from a template, which ran on my PC without issue. Finally, I used the Azure CLI to setup an App Service I could deploy to from Git. So far, so good.
Things went downhill when it came to putting everything together and tried to deploy to Azure. My code would be committed, I could see the deployment churning away for a couple of seconds, and then it would crash out with a build error; my project was targeting dotnet Core 3+, but Azure apparently only supported targeting up to Core 2.2.
I tried a couple of things to try fix it, but I haven't been successful yet. I'll start over from scratch again when I get back to it. But it does make me wonder how well someone with even less experience in this stuff than me would get on.