I’ve just posted the second how-to article to IndieWeb Textpattern – preparing your site for IndieAuth.

This one took a bit longer to write than I anticipated. IndieAuth is a slightly weird concept to describe and write about in easy to understand terms. I’m trying to keep the level I’m pitching IndieWeb Textpattern at to be pretty low, so I found myself going back and revising things several times. On the plus side, writing about these topics is reinforcing how they work in my mind. Practice and documenting things have always been my best teacher ?

While I was researching the article I discovered that IndieLogin doesn’t necessarily check for an authorization_endpoint link at URLs marked as rel="me" – something which was unexpected behaviour. I’d planned to use this site as my example authentication provider, but couldn’t and reverted to using Github. I’ve added this to my list of things to investigate.

If you’re interested, here’s the current content plan for the site, although I’ll be adding more articles as I re-familiarise myself with developing Textpattern plugins, and open up more integrations.