I’d hoped to write up some loose documentation on the iOS Shortcuts I have setup, but diagnosing all manner of WordPress plugin issues has taken up my night. I’ll try again tomorrow.

đź”– Bookmarked: commonplace book

“A Commonplace book (or commonplaces) are a way to compile and store knowledge, usually by writing information into books, notebooks, card catalogs, or in more modern settings on one’s own website.”

I’ve been doing this for nearly 20 years (documenting stuff on my blog), in various capacities and with mixed regularity, and this is the first time I’ve heard of this term. Every day is a learning day ?

I’m trying to pick up a project I first worked on a year ago, and it’s a) fasciniating, and b) mystifying. I think that because I dind’t expect to leave it for so long, I’ve not documented how I’d got to the stage I was at, or what my intentions were. Was I still in the exploratory stage, or had I picked a direction? Did I understand what I was trying to do, or had I got things wrong?

Based on what I’m looking at right now, I’m tempted to start over.

I noted the other day that Textpattern might be a good fit for some people trying to build their own websites, but that there wasn’t much in the way of resources to get them plugged into the IndieWeb.

Well, I went and started to do something about that. #IndieWeb TextPattern is a site where I will be exploring and documenting how to add various IndieWeb building-blocks to their Textpattern website. There’s not a whole lot of stuff there yet: just the mission statement, and how to add an h-card using form templates; but my intent is for the site to grow into a kind of guidebook for interested parties to be pointed to from the IndieWeb wiki and elsewhere. I was inspired by the short series of posts Gary put together about Blogger recently.

It’s been years since I last used Textpattern — possibly more than a decade(!) — so there will have to be a lot of experimenting and exploration before I figure out everything that will be needed. I want to get the “quick wins” out of the way at the start, then at some point I anticipate having to write new code as part of this project… hopefully just as Textpattern plugins, but there might be some features which need a “bridge” service to get working. I mention in the introductory post some of the areas where I think I’m going to have to write code, but for now, those are all later concerns ?

In the more immediate future, my planned content includes: getting a site ready for IndieAuth, adding microformats to post templates, receiving WebMentions, and possibly implementing post kinds in a manual capacity. If you have any suggestions at all for the site or topics, please do let me know!

Did you know you can use custom PHP extensions on Heroku? Neither did I, cos I can’t find it in the documentation. But you can:


I came across this while searching for a way or workaround to use the MongoDB PECL extension on Heroku (don’t get me started on that…).

If you can’t be bothered checking the link, the summary is this:

  1. Create a folder in your app called ‘ext’ or similar.
  2. Copy your extension into this folder.
  3. Create a php.ini file with the following contents:
    extension_dir = "/app/www/ext/"
  4. Deploy