Reposting: a post

Like me, Tantek posts from his own website to Twitter.

So you can see everything @t has posted by looking at

What do you see there that could possibly warrant an account suspension?

WT actual F, @TwitterSupport?

an author (Adactio)

In advance of Girl Wonder geting into the hobby, I’m putting together a flexible 4×4 gaming board. In your experience, how much scenery is good for this size of board, for each of AOS and 40K? Bonus internet points if you can show examples ?

This “Successor Chapters” booklet came with the collectors edition of the 7th Edition Space Marine codex, and it’s probably the most useful “freebie” I’ve ever received with a 40K book. It’s just page after page of example colour schemes and names.

Reposting: They call me Mister Vimes on Twitter

1) I am a white, straight male over the age of 50. I have been reading comics since 1972 and playing ttrpgs since 1979. I don’t recognize nerd culture anymore. When I was young we were outsiders. Our voices were silenced. We were ostracized. We had to find our own “safe spaces”


The full thread is definitely worth your time.

Todo: tidy up the “listened” template to make it consistent with the other post-kind templates I’ve customised.

🔖 Bookmarked: commonplace book

“A Commonplace book (or commonplaces) are a way to compile and store knowledge, usually by writing information into books, notebooks, card catalogs, or in more modern settings on one’s own website.”

I’ve been doing this for nearly 20 years (documenting stuff on my blog), in various capacities and with mixed regularity, and this is the first time I’ve heard of this term. Every day is a learning day ?