🔖 Bookmarked: What Really Happens to AirPods When They Die

“Apple finally opens up about their complicated afterlife”

For what it’s worth, my 2½ year old AirPods still charge and work fine, despite taking some abuse, and don’t show that much battery degredation. When the battery inievitably “dies” it’s good to know they can be recycled.

📖 Read: Robert Mueller Wishes You’d Read His Report (The Atlantic) by an author

“Special Counsel Robert Mueller wishes that you’d read his report. He’s not angry; he’s just disappointed.”

an author (The Atlantic)

Mueller is a man out of time. This is the age of alternatively factual tweets and sound bites; he’s a by-the-book throwback who expects Americans to read and absorb carefully worded 400-page reports. Has he met us? His high standards sometimes manifest as touching naïveté. “I hope and expect this to be the only time that I will speak to you in this manner,” Mueller said today, explaining that his report was his testimony and that Congress should not expect him to answer questions with any new information.

Ok, so I did manage to get a small session in. It was mostly spent trying to figure out the iconography of the Knight/Household, and painting tiny little candles.

Death Stranding – Release Date Reveal Trailer | PS4, on YouTube
DEATH STRANDING will be available November 8, 2019. Learn more: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/games/death-stranding-ps4/

I’ve no idea what is going on in the trailer, but visually it looks very impressive. I’m a fan of the Metal Gear Solid series, so I’m probably going to give this a shot, as weird and as impenetrable as the plot might be…