📖 Read: 92-year-old's memoir tells the forgotten story of a German official who sabotaged Nazi deportations and saved more Jews than Schindler (Boing Boing)

“Hans Calmeyer was a left-wing German lawyer — his law license was temporarily suspended when he was accused of being a Communist — who was inducted into the German army under the Nazis, who put him in charge of an office that determined which Dutch people would be deported to Auschwitz during the Nazi occupation.”

Boing Boing

🔖 Bookmarked: Scottish Gaelic’s Journey to Duolingo 

“Ciaran Iòsaph MacAonghais – a Primary Teacher from Fort William and co-creator of the Scottish Gaelic Duolingo course – takes us through Scottish Gaelic’s journey to Duolingo. [fo…”

I do wish they’d taught us Scottish Gaelic at school when I was a kid, or at least given us the option as an elective course. I’m hoping to find some time to devote to learning it in the new year; one of those “20 for ’20” kind of things. This Duolingo course seems as good a way as any!

💬 Replied to: Reply to https://mrkapowski.com/2019/11/10005.html

“What hardware are you running on? I’ve found it often doesn’t work “out of the box” because the hardware manufacturers don’t Open Source/upstream their drivers so it can’t be released as part of the core distro offering. It is definitely a pain for users, as it’s not like ie Dell would say “don’t bu…”

CC: Jacky.

The hardware is a Broadcom-based chip built in to my Asus ROG motherboard. Broadcom are known to not play well with Linux, so there’s that. The thing is, it used to work fine out of the box on older kernels, which I guess is when my expectations were set. It wasn’t until sometime during 4.x and onwards I started having these sorts of issues on fresh installs.

That said, it’s nowhere near as bad as the old days of Intel Centrino and the kludge that was ndiswrapper. At least I don’t have to recompile my kernel from source these days!

Went to try a live image of the latest Ubuntu. WiFi didn’t work “out of the box.” WiFi issues on almost every software update is one of the reasons I’m looking to switch distro, so it looks like Ubuntu might not make the shortlist. Fedora is next to try. If WiFi doesn’t work on that I might need to get a dongle instead of using the onboard adapter.

The death of Boromir in Fellowship of the Ring is a more poignant moment than any of the Frodo/Sam scenes in the rest of the trilogy. Don’t @ me.

Inspired/spurred by gRegor’s post, I finally posted on Facebook something that’s been on my mind for a long time. Like, years long:

I’m going to be deleting my accounts on all Facebook-owned apps/websites on the 31st December. Facebook, Instagram, Messenger/WhatsApp… the whole shebang. I encourage you to do the same, but realise many people have compelling reasons to stay. You do you.

The downside to this is that some of you I don’t have any other way of keeping in touch/up to date with (not that I’m a particularly chatty person…), but at the same time, I don’t want to assume you’d like to continue to have a way of doing so outside the Facebook ecosystem. Unlike Facebook’s surveillance of you, here you can opt-in.

So, if do you want to stay in touch – however infrequently – drop me a message before the 31st with another way to contact/keep up with you – email, alternative social media, blog/newsletter, or whatever. If appropriate, I’ll send you a response so you’ll have my details. If you have an old profile/email/whatever of mine, don’t assume it still works.

I’ve been putting off getting rid of Facebook for so long… mainly from a mixture of laziness, complacency, and FOMO. But with the start of a new year/decade approaching, something in me decided it was now or never. Now I have a set timeline to stick to, and public posts to help keep me accountable to it.