šŸ”– Bookmarked: Paying tribute to the web with View Source by an author

“I owe much of my career to View Source. Itā€™s what got me started with web development in the first place. Going to sites that I liked, learning how they did what they did. Yes, I also bought a bunch of animal books from Oā€™Reilly, and I read WIREDā€™s Webmonkey, and the web was full of tutorials even then. But itā€™s not the same. Seeing how something real is built puts the individual pieces of the puzzle together in a way that sample code or abstract lessons just donā€™t.”

an author ( )

I love View Source. I still use it daily. I’m not a person who builds sites in JavaScript – that’s never really been my thing. I love to craft in HTML. I get annoyed when I can’t alter or overwrite the output HTML of a WordPress function or plugin, and have been known to reimplement it myself if necessary.

Right now, K is a lot messier under the hood than I’d like. Once things are a bit more defined I intend to go back and clean it up so the output source is as readable as possible (proper and consistent indenting and the like), and the structure is better from a POSH point of view.

Shared to IndieWeb.xyz.

I implemented proper pagination between archive pages last night, which should help making getting around the site slightly easier. I still need to implement pagination for pages/posts that are split into distinct pages. I’m not going to implement comment pagination, because I don’t like it.

Alongside this, I’ve added some templates for archive pages and search results. There’s nothing much to these, but it does give me flexibility to give these their own special formatting if I want to.

I need to come up with a better archive page than the current ā€œSitemapā€. The current ā€œdesignā€ was inspired by the archive page on Daring Fireball. It works fine if you’re only posting a couple of items a week, but in January I posted 112 items1. I’ll probably keep the sitemap for discoverability purposes, but a more friendly archive page has been added to the todo list.

  1. That’s almost twice the previous high water mark of August 2018.

After several hours of clipping, filing, drilling, and pinning, Iā€™ve finally finished assembling the first of 2 Penitent Engines.

It better be amazing on the tabletop after all thatā€¦

I have a lot of editing in my future, to get through that ā€œpendingā€ queueā€¦

I need to take a break from the merry-go-round of mf2/parser compatibility. I excitedly thought it was fixed. But it wasn’t. I’ve made some further changes, and it might be fixed, but there’s a good chance it’s still broken in some obscure wayā€¦ IndieWebify.me refuses to recognise my Like and Bookmark posts properly, even though every other parser I throw at example URLs comes back fine? Last I checked, IndieNews still refuses to return anything but “error: no link found.” Update: something I did today must have fixed thisā€¦ I fixed a typo in an earlier post, and suddenly it was on IndieNews ?ā€ā™‚ļø

It’s getting a bit stressful, to be honest, and that’s means it’s time to move on to another task before it burns me out on the whole project. I’ll come back to it again in a while, hopefully have a break-through and iron out the kinks.

In better news, I do have some custom gallery markup up and running, and the h-card in the sidebar is now a fully-fledged widget. Baby stepsā€¦

šŸ’¬ Replied to: Todayā€™s Project: Backup all Pages

“A platform move for this blog is coming.Ā  WordPress is frozen on ver. 4.9.9 which is fine by me, but untenable in the long term because eventually I will start missing needed security upgrades.Ā  Also, Iā€™m beginning to suspect that my Indieweb stuff is not working everywhere with everyone and Iā€™m not willing to put the time in tracking down where the problems are on a platform I intend to leave.”

Brad Brad ( )

Last time I exported from a WordPress site, pages were included – you can either export them separately, or as part of “all content” – but it’s definitely good to have a manual backup, just in case!

I definitely feel your frustrations with IndieWeb on WordPress. I’ve had so much trouble and spent so much time getting things setup “just so,” and I’m still not quite there. I’m sure it would’ve been fine if I’d stuck to one of the recommended themes and default plugin optionsā€¦ but then I wouldn’t be running my site. Even though a lot of my issues appear to be fixed now, half the time I still don’t trust things not to break seemingly at random.

Add to that small frictions like how hard it is to post a like/reply/bookmark type of post from mobile, and frustrations start to mount up.

Have you decided what you’re moving to yet?

šŸ’¬ Replied to: Aaron Dembski-Bowden on Twitter

“Good morning, dear friends, foes, and fellow skeletons vine-wrapped in veins and sheathed in steaks of muscle.

Show me your kill teams? #warmongers #40K”

This is my teamā€¦ very much still WIP, despite these pictures being a few months old ?ā€ā™‚ļø

Time to take a look at my lovely limited edition copy of Andy Clark’s Celestine!

The packaging and presentation of the book is definitely very nice. Hopefully I can get stuck into the story later this evening!

Shared to IndieWeb.xyz

(Skip to the end for the TL;DR summary)

After an evening of debugging and rewriting sections of the HTML in “K”, I think I’ve fixed the markup and parsing issues I mentioned yesterday.

It turns out that X-Ray, the parsing engine used by IndieNews, Aperture, and probably others, was only finding the sidebar h-card in my markup. The rest of the content was being ignored. I’m not entirely sure why this is, to be honest, but it gave me a place to start.

Working from the (admittedly shakey) basis that if the parser was only going to find one mf2 entity on the page, then I’d want it to be the main h-feed or h-entryā€¦ so I started moving around some blocks of HTML and a few classes, and stripped out a few likely redundant pieces of HTML.

Thisā€¦ worked! The feed would show up in the X-Ray output instead of the h-card, and wasn’t all that different in the Pin13 parser compared to yesterday’s results. But it was far from ideal. The authorship information on every feed entry was screwed up; I’d made a change yesterday so only one full h-card was on the page (the sidebar) and followed the recommendation to markup the h-entry author details with u-author instead. Now came the conundrum: do I add back in a dedicated h-card to every h-entry, and by doing so re-break some of the other parsers looking for a single “representitive” h-card? I tried out adding them back in, just to see what happened. X-Ray was still fixed, but IndieWebify.me complained about it, and the IndieWeb Webring still couldn’t work out who I was.

I could have left it here. X-Ray was the main target, IndieWebify might not have liked it but could at least still see some details, and IndieWeb Webring was a “nice to have” in a way. But truth be told, it would have nagged at me. What if these “minor” issues were the proverbial canary? I want to achieve the widest possible compatibility now, to reduce potential issues at a later date.

It was around about this point that I remembered that an h-feed itself could have its own embedded h-card, which could potentially solve the issue. After moving my ‘h-feed’ class to the body element, instead of the main I’d been using up to then (so now it would use the sidebar h-card to represent the feed), it more or less did solve the issue.

It threw me at first that X-Ray didn’t list a separate h-card item like Pin13 did, but instead used the feed h-card for the authorship of every nested h-entry. Removing the now redundant author h-card from the entries stopped IndieWebify from grousing about these multiples. Oh, and here’s my new profile page on the IndieWeb Webring. Even my test microformat-based feed in Aperture/Monocle started displaying posts almost immediately after applying the change.

So, TL;DR: I moved my main h-card inside the h-feed, instead of it being a distinct entity on the page. By doing so I fixed pretty much all of the microformat parsing issues I was experiencing, which means “K” has taken a big leap forwardā€¦ and I can stop pulling my hair out ?

Shared to IndieNews (maybe) and IndieWeb.xyz.