Reposting: Parker Molloy on Twitter

β€œI think we know how this will play out.

Evangelical: "Trans people are an abomination! Blah blah blah! LGBTQ is evil! Blah blah blah!"

LGBTQ people: "You're bigots."

Twitter: [suspends LGBTQ person]”


Reposting: Andy Bell on Twitter

β€œIt’s wild that 50 years ago, Margaret Hamilton was writing code that was put on punch cards and then loaded up on a computer that landed Astronauts on the moon.

Now, folks use React to render a bloody blog πŸ˜‚β€


Come into the office – no WiFi (we don’t have wired LAN, so this is bad)

10 minutes diagnosing/troubleshooting.

20 minutes on hold waiting to talk to helpdesk.

**Just** after going through the ID preamble with the analyst, the WiFi connects.

It’s going to be one of those days…

I just spun up a hefty VPS to run a single python script that’s going to take several hours to run. It’s been online <10 minutes and already completed about one third of what my PC managed in 5 hours πŸ˜