💬 Replied to: Planning out the Next Generation of Post Kinds
“I’ve been working on the Post Kinds plugin for several years now. It allows the enhancement of WordPress posts into the Indieweb types of posts.
But in the current environment, the question I keep getting asked is: When will it support Gutenberg, the WordPress block editor?
This is something of a …”
I think *my* idealised end goal would be to have an "Insert [Post Kind]" button in the Block Editor, which when I give it a URL inserts a Block with all of the correct mark-up for the information available (essentially inserting an equivalent of the current post_kinds template files). Ideally the block would give me options to toggle icons/snippets, edit some of the data, etc.
By having the Post Kinds as a Block, the user would be free to insert the information wherever they like in the post, and even have multiple "Kinds" attached to a single post.
Admittedly, I don’t know what would be needed to enable this, so I might be imagining something which isn’t realistically possible…
I like this idea a lot. On an abstract level, I don’t think there’s any reason why a single post must only contain one “kind”. If I check in at a location and say I had a nice meal and am also enjoying listening to some live music, provided those are all marked up correctly with mf2, they could all go in the same post, right?
I anticipate some difficulty, though, with WordPress, because that would be a significant change for the plugin. Right now, post kinds are their own taxonomy, which allows a quick filtered view by kind (https://mrkapowski.com/kind/reply, for example). If post kinds become blocks in the block editor, we’ll have to rethink the whole architecture.