According to the scales, I lost 5kg over the last week. Four more weeks of that (unlikely, but 🤞) and I’ll hit my weight goal.

While I was waiting to get my vaccine, there was a constant stream of people checking out the shelf of products marked “[will] help you sleep better.” I thought that was interesting in the context of my two posts from this morning.

I had a bad night’s sleep, and have been awake since the early hours of the morning, so I’m already starting to flag. Today is probably going to be very long.

“Dark mode” for this site has been one of those things on my todo list for a while. The in-development theme I’m working on has been built from the ground up to support it through the use of media queries and CSS custom properties — but I hadn’t actually implemented it. After a nudge from reading this post by Jeremy I’ve finally implemented something to try out:

In progress theme in ’dark mode’

For now I’m borrowing Jeremy’s colours, but I’m planning to tweak these as the design evolves.

My local grocery store has started to sell its own-brand plant-based burgers. I really want to try them, but I’ll have to wait until I’m on an “off keto” cycle, as they’re relatively high in carbs. It’s amazing and encouraging how quickly the newer plant-based “meat alternatives” are becoming mainstream.

Some of the trees across from my office window look like they’re being blown horizontal by the wind, which is going to make the walking part of my trip to the dentist fun.