Speaking of IndieWeb Textpattern, I need to get back in the groove of writing up articles for it. I’ve got a backlog of 5 or so still to do.

🔖 Bookmarked: Step 4 - Sending Webmentions using Webmention.app and IFTTT

“We’ve previously enabled our site to receive Webmentions, but what can we do about sending Webmentions to other sites? Much like we use Webmention.io to handle receiving Webmentions, we’re going to use Webmention.app to handle the sending. And the best bit is, we don’t need to make any modifications to our site!”

I’ve added a new article to TextPattern which covers integrating with Remy’s new Webmention.app service to enable sending of Webmentions for sites which don’t have that capability natively.

> [I Took A Freezing-Cold Shower Every Morning For A Month & This Is What Happened – Refinery29 UK] (https://apple.news/A90rz9h9KSYCd330RYqpOsw)

Around 7-8 years ago I used to have a cold shower, nearly every morning for about 2 years, and I felt _great_ during that time – possibly the healthiest and most energetic I can remember being. I think it was something I picked up from a [Tim Ferris](http://www.timferriss.com/) book and decided to try. My shower method was slightly different than the one given in the article:

* start the shower as normal (hot), and step in
* while lathering up, stop the shower
* once lathered, switch the shower to cold, turn it back on, and rinse.

This method doesn’t work in my current home as the shower works very differently and doesn’t offer the same level of control. I guess I could suck it up and just start with cold?

In fact, that’s one to try tomorrow 🥶

📖 Read: Dumbest 'Gotcha' Story Of The Week: Google, Genius And The Copying Of Licensed Lyrics (Techdirt.)

“You may have seen this story in various forms over the weekend, starting with a big Wall Street Journal article (paywall likely) claiming that Genius caught Google “red handed” in copying lyrics from its site.”


There’s a separate issue here worth noting as well: all of this demonstrates just how idiotic the whole “licensing of lyrics” business is — considering that what everyone here is admitting is that even when they license lyrics, they’re making it up much of the time. Specifically, what people are noting is that they license lyrics from the publishers, but the publishers themselves rarely even have or know the lyrics they’re licensing, so lyrics sites try to figure them out themselves and “create” the lyrics file which may or may not be accurate.

But… if the publishers don’t even know they lyrics they’re licensing, then what the fuck are they licensing in the first place? The right to try to decipher the lyrics that they supposedly hold a copyright on? Really?


Last week I was asked to write an integration guide for a piece of software as a high priority. Wrote 8500 words of _thorough_ documentation in 3 days, and sent it off to the integrator. Then I came back from vacation to debug their install and found they didn’t read most of it 🤔

I just switched my Micro.blog site back on, as I want to experiment with it again, and I’ve been impressed with the slow, steady, progress Manton has been making with the service. My previous attempts have all been focussed on being a “WordPress replacement” but this time I want to just start afresh and see what I find it useful for.

I think I’m going to have to learn Hugo templating though, as none of the default themes are really inspiring me.