đź’¬ Replied to:


Thanks Chris!

Webmention.io is definitely my plan for adding webmentions initially, and will probably be the step 3 article (IndieAuth is step 2 and being drafted right now).

If, or rather, when I look into writing a plugin to send webmentions I might bring receiving into it as well… but the more I look into Webmention.io, the more I think I’ll just keep things simple by having it continue to handle all of the receiving.

Thanks for adding the wiki page – I’ll be sure to add links and other information as I finish writing it up!

I noted the other day that Textpattern might be a good fit for some people trying to build their own websites, but that there wasn’t much in the way of resources to get them plugged into the IndieWeb.

Well, I went and started to do something about that. #IndieWeb TextPattern is a site where I will be exploring and documenting how to add various IndieWeb building-blocks to their Textpattern website. There’s not a whole lot of stuff there yet: just the mission statement, and how to add an h-card using form templates; but my intent is for the site to grow into a kind of guidebook for interested parties to be pointed to from the IndieWeb wiki and elsewhere. I was inspired by the short series of posts Gary put together about Blogger recently.

It’s been years since I last used Textpattern — possibly more than a decade(!) — so there will have to be a lot of experimenting and exploration before I figure out everything that will be needed. I want to get the “quick wins” out of the way at the start, then at some point I anticipate having to write new code as part of this project… hopefully just as Textpattern plugins, but there might be some features which need a “bridge” service to get working. I mention in the introductory post some of the areas where I think I’m going to have to write code, but for now, those are all later concerns ?

In the more immediate future, my planned content includes: getting a site ready for IndieAuth, adding microformats to post templates, receiving WebMentions, and possibly implementing post kinds in a manual capacity. If you have any suggestions at all for the site or topics, please do let me know!

If you’re looking for something to watch this evening, you could do worse than watch this livestream of Alfonso “Banshee” Giraldez painting a small bust and fielding questions from viewers: https://www.youtube.com/c/MiniatureArtTV/live ?

Once upon a time I was heavily involved with the Textpattern community, but I haven’t used or kept track of TXP for several years now. It randomly popped into my head over lunch that Textpattern originally had an ethos which aligned really well with IndieWeb ideals.

It had a plugin system for extending the core, could define custom metadata, override how to display particular articles, and it was also easy to modify themes to add things like microformats/special meta tages, etc. Looking back, it sounds ideal for some users?

I could only find a passing mention in the IndieWeb wiki. If I find the time, I might explore and document setting up an IndieWeb-integrated site using Textpattern.

Today I found out that my girlfriend has decided that when she retires from roller derby, she’s filling all that freed up time with playing Dungeons & Dragons, and painting GW figures. She’s already picked out Yvraine to represent her Elven Sorceress.

đź”– Bookmarked: The Creative Battery by Craig Morrison

“Everyone has what I consider a creative battery. When it is fully charged it provides motivation, fuels our passion, and drives us forward. … It ebbs and flows like any other battery, we put energy in through our successes and call on its reserves when we face challenges. “

Craig Morrison (feelinstrangelyfine.com)

It feels like the last few weeks have been really quiet around here (compared to normal)… February is always one of my busiest months of the year, and this year I’ve had two lots of illness thrown in on top of that already. Normal service should hopefully resume shortly!

Apparently Forge World resin comes in black, as well as grey?!?
Anyway, got an idea for a mini display board I want to try out. Not sure if I’m going to use this flat tile, or the one with a wall that’s still in the post