I just switched my Micro.blog site back on, as I want to experiment with it again, and I’ve been impressed with the slow, steady, progress Manton has been making with the service. My previous attempts have all been focussed on being a “WordPress replacement” but this time I want to just start afresh and see what I find it useful for.
I think I’m going to have to learn Hugo templating though, as none of the default themes are really inspiring me.
Photo of aforementioned mini keto cheesecake, as it was missing from the last post 😐
I bought a cast iron skillet on Amazon last week, and now YouTube – “coincidentally,” I’m sure – is recommending videos like this to me 🤔
Whoops, I nearly let this domain expire. That could’ve been a minor disaster! 😅
All the robes and under suits painted on 50ish models in just under 2 hours. Basically looks the same as if I’d painted them Warpstone Glow, then shaded with Beil-Tan Green. So Contrast definitely cut out a step #PaintingWarhammer
50-odd Genestealer Cult models sprayed with Grey Seer, and ready for The Contrast-ening. I pulled this lot out of the backlog pretty much specifically to try out the new range. #PaintingWarhammer
“📖 A collection of pure bash alternatives to external processes. – dylanaraps/pure-bash-bible”
Reposting: a post