If only escaping the “company silo” was as low impact as ditching an internet platform or service 😅
[I should add that I genuinely do love my current employer; it’s just some of the security diktats from the far-away “Head Office” seem a bit nonsensical to us branch office workers]
Jacky Alciné liked this reply on v2.jacky.wtf.
I think what I am getting at is the self perception of a company as a silo / fortress, or as a node in a network / niche in an ecosystem. Such metaphors determine the company’s view on what tools are needed or allowed. It also colours its view on people. E.g. can you act as an artisan and with peers adopt the most fitting tools, or is it more like a cog in the machine where tools are predetermined for people
I think what I am getting at is the self perception of a company as a silo / fortress, or as a node in a network / niche in an ecosystem. Such metaphors determine the company’s view on what tools are needed or allowed. It also colours its view on people. E.g. can you act as an artisan and with peers adopt the most fitting tools, or is it more like a cog in the machine where tools are predetermined for people. (originally posted at Chris’s site)