5 thoughts on “

  1. @MrKapowski I tried the one click install on Reclaim Hosting but the version is about 3 or so versions behind and it gives a nag screen to update but when I run the composer the system won’t let me update because it’s pulling the server php version as opposed to my instance php version and the server php version is incompatible so I’m sticking with WordPress. I know it. It works. There’s a large support community for it. I emailed Known over a week ago with no response so that told me all I needed to know about whether or not to even bother messing with it.

  2. @jeannie I’m running on my own cloud server, and it’s purely out of curiosity, so it’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t work… it’s just a little frustrating. If I can’t get it working over the weekend I’m just going to remove it.